domingo, 15 de maio de 2016

[Sobre o Windows 10] Microsoft working with OEMs to standardize Microsoft Pen support

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Microsoft has posted some slides from its recent WinHec event where Microsoft revealed its push to increase and standardize Pen support in Windows 10 Anniversary Edition.

Microsoft is pushing the Microsoft Pen standard, which are pens which have been tested via the Hardware Lab Kit to meet Microsoft’s exacting standards.

The plan is for most OEMs to ship high quality , efficient and affordable pens and for pens to be interchangeable between devices.

Microsoft also has the big names such as Wacom on board, whose pen will support both Microsoft Pen and their own standards.

pen suppliers

Microsoft is also pushing for simultaneous Pen and Touch, something which I think will only come into full fruition once there is enough hardware out there that supports it.
Microsoft notes that users who use Pen 2:1 devices and tablets are more satisfied, which will hopefully mean better sales for OEMs.

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Link original:

Microsoft no recente evento WinHec revelou que pretende aumentar e padronizar o suporte à Microsoft Pen no Update de Aniversário do Windows 10.

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